
i didnt go school and had a bad life abused persecuted years on the streets sniffed glue from age of 11 and i think i had this life cos i was abused and drugged and put in child porn as a kid,i have healed myself and got off all drugs and got housed with no help as no doctors social workers or anyone would help me all these years,so i lernt to heal my self,i don't plan anything i let god just Gide me and i find much things on the street, I found a little book called the freemasons dictionary yes it had explanations for mason words etc but in it was something that upset me it said this "no negro shall be allowed past 33 degrees" if anyone on this site can help me understand this please comment as i know alot about masons it was the brotherhood of ruralists who abused me as a kid so i studied them myself for years,some good some bad, me i dont hate all masons alot of people i know do, but i know it was good and taken over buy the bad ones i want the knowledge to be public for all to learn,no more secrets no more lies see the pain in my eyes see the tears i cry i pray my tears bring water to people dieing of thirst.bless

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