
We should make our own choices and we should make intelligent choices, to become a convert to Al Islam it says you must take "Shahada" and it means that you witness like the church says, "Get up and testify". But, in Al Islam testifying is from the rational nature, not from the spiritual nature. In the church many times they say. "Testify" you wait for something unknown to hit you, the Holy Ghost or something but in Al Islam it means use your rational mind before you say, "I want to convert to Al Islam." Think about it.


Islam is growing fast because it appeal to faith and the intellect


Many Muslim teachers who understand this respect for the human intelligence in Al Islam, they will tell people who want to come to them to be converted, "Why don't you take your time, why don't you come among us and pray with us, even fast during our fast month and experience this life with us before you say you are ready?" So Al Islam puts a lot of importance on respect for the rational nature of human beings.


And I think that is why, you didn't ask me for all of this, but I think that is why Al Islam is growing fast in the West, it is going to grow as long as that imbalance is there in the West, where Religious people are expected to come purely from their spirit, purely from their emotional nature and turn the rational mind off and just listen and have Scripture play on their emotions, this is not Al Islam.


Adam is creation of the intellect


Al Islam wants you to be first alert in your rational mind and listen to what G-d says, although the heart is the door way to intellectual development, you must first go through the door of the human heart to get into the rooms for the intellect, for the mind. Though it makes the heart the door, the leader of society is the intellect and the creation of Adam for us in our Genesis if we can call it the Genesis in our Scripture is the creation of the intellect and that intellect was one and the same for male and female until it slipped and established the two separate roles in society.


So this is what makes I think the appeal of Al Islam strong in the African American community now and also to some Caucasian Americans, not many, because you know many denominations of Christianity they see the precious life of human beings also as human intelligence, that G-d created human intelligence a light, you see? To break with the darkness G-d created the human intelligence to be the light and they see it the same way we do in Al Islam.


Al Islam has not brought anything new that goes against Judaism and Christianity except the way we express what G-d revealed in our public life and in our homes. Al Islam did not come to take away anything precious that G-d revealed to Moses and Jesus, peace be upon the Messengers and Servants of G-d. 






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