The Holy Quran says that there are people who boast that they
The Holy Quran is saying to us that man should not think that he has control of his own destiny, nor should he think that he is a special creation. Even if he uses his special knowledge, he will not always be successful. Whatever talent or blessing that he has to use is the blessing of Almighty God. No one knows where he is going to be next year. You can have all the money today, but next year you could be a beggar. You can have all the wisdom today, but that still does not mean that someone will give you power. A completely ignorant person might come and get what you have been struggling to get.
Holy Quran, Yusuf A1i Translation - Sura XXXI: 34-35
This should tell us that there is a God always ruling and that He "runs the show" as He, wants to run it. We can have knowledge, but that does not mean that we are going to get the benefit from it. The only salvation for the person is submission of his will to the will of the Creator of the heavens and the earth. Unless you follow the path of submission, there is no guarantee that you will be successful. Even submission to God will not guarantee us a position of authority over the world. You are not going to be guaranteed that you will be a millionaire or that people will admire, love or honor you. But, if you submit yourself wholly and willingly to the will of Almighty God, you will have the guarantee of peace.
What is this life all about if it is not about the quest for peace? The man that wants one million dollars wants it so that he can rest the burning, aggravating hunger for one million dollars. The man who wants to be seen and who wants people to worship him, wants this attention so that his gnawing desire for attention will rest. Almighty God says that you cannot find happiness by going after happiness because happiness is not a certain thing. You can only find happiness by going after God. Almighty God would not be just if He put happiness only in the hands of intelligence. People would then get power in the world and they would get control over the world's education and learning. They could deprive certain people of the opportunity to progress because they would have a monopoly on the physical world. The people without the blessing of intelligence would be deprived of the opportunity to obtain wealth. If God were to design His world by putting happiness and wealth in the hands of intelligence, He would be an unjust God. He says that the gates to His physical treasures are wide open to everybody, and that the strongest man gets the prize.
Holy Quran, Yusuf Ali Translation - Sura: XIX: 93-96
But, God has a special gate that is not open to anyone but to His special people. The wealthy cannot come into it, nor can the wise come into it. None can come into it but those that have the nature to bend their backs, and to stoop down low under the gate. You cannot come into that special gate of God standing up straight. God said for the righteous man to put his head on the ground. This has a literal meaning (in the prayer position of the Muslim) and a figurative meaning (the act of mental or spiritual submission to God). If you do that willingly, you can come into God's special gate. Inside that gate you will have what the so-called "wise" people gnaw, scratch, and die trying to find but they cannot get to it. The only way that they can get the" prize" is to submit just like the righteous man submits. If they will bend their backs down, put their heads to the ground and come under the gate, they can get the prize just like the righteous man.
There are many wealthy people and "wise" people in this world who are in hell even though they have doctorate degrees or own half of the city. Some of them might wonder how the righteous man and woman find happiness when they have all of the money and yet they are not happy. It is because they " are going about reaching for the prize in the wrong way. Almighty God is not going to give happiness to anyone but to the righteous one who submits to Him